Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reflux update

Well, Jacob went to have his upper GI done this morning. He couldn't have anything to eat 2 hours before he went and his appointment was at 8:30 a.m. So, his last bottle was at 5:00 a.m. Of course even though we get there at 8:15 we still don't get seen until after 9:00 a.m. By that time he was not a happy boy. My boy is an eater and he wanted his bottle. So, we get him in there and they have him drink a 2 oz. bottle of Barium. Now at this point, I don't Jacob would have cared what he was eating... he was just happy to be getting food- but that little 2 oz. was a teaser for him and he was SO MAD when there wasn't any more coming out. He screamed pretty much the entire rest of the exam. After the exam I went and fed him in the lobby. There was no way I was going to make him wait until we got home to eat.

The exam itself was pretty painless. After watching the barium go down his esophagus and into his stomach they turned him on his different sides a couple of times to see what would happen. Thankfully nothing happened at all. The little gate that is between your esophagus and stomach stayed closed the entire time and didn't let anything back up so that was a good sign. They said everything is fine in his digestive track so that just means that he has really bad acid reflux and hopefully he'll outgrow it once he starts eating more solid foods. I hope so!

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