Sunday, January 11, 2009

PLEASE---- Don't shoot your eye out!

One of Josh's favorite Christmas movies is A Christmas Story. We all watch it several times over the holidays together as a family. Josh decided this year that he wanted a BB gun just like Ralphie- and not just any BB gun. It had to be an official Red Rider just like Ralphie had. Well, Santa didn't bring him one this year since Mommy and Daddy didn't feel like he was ready. After all, we can't even get him to stop shooting us with Nerf guns he has.

Well, after Christmas Josh was very bummed that he did not get he BB gun. He even went looking for it in corners thinking Santa had hid it just like in the movie. Like I said.. he was very disappointed. So, after a couple of days, we gave in and he was able to go his BB gun with his own Christmas money.

Brent went through all the rules of shooting a gun, handling the gun, gun safety, etc. It stays in our closet and he can only have it out when we are home and someone is with him while he shoots it. He has followed the rules wonderfully and has shown some great responsibility with it.

Here are a couple of pics of Josh with his Red Rider BB gun.

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