Monday, April 21, 2008

Cast off!

This morning Josh had his cast removed and the pins pulled out. He was scared. First, he was scared the saw would cut his arm off, then he was scared it would hurt when the Dr. pulled the pins out. So first the assistant showed Josh the saw blade was plastic, he even grabbed it while it was running and showed him the blade wouldn't hurt him. This seemed to ease him a little bit. So with a few cuts of the saw, and some trimming with a pair of scissors, the cast came off. Yay!!

Once the cast was off, Josh did NOT want to look at the pins. He shielded his eyes and turned away. The Dr. grabbed a pair of pliers and basically just pulled them out. It was pretty painful for him, but they came out quickly. They wrapped his elbow in a small wrap that he has to wear until this Friday. Once we were done, there was only one place to go. McDonalds!!!

So Josh is back home now and happy to have his cast and pins out. He just has to avoid physical activity for one more month to let his bones continue to heal.


Wanda said...

Yeah for you Josh, the cast is gone!

Brandy said...

That just looks like it hurts! At least it's over!